The Summit Host Hangout Podcast

Hundreds of episodes filled with real stories, real strategies, and real numbers to help you make your virtual summit (and the launch that follows) as streamlined and profitable as possible.
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B2C Virtual Summits: Seeing Your Summit as More than a List-Builder with Shelby DeVore

When most people think of virtual summits, they think email list growth and some added revenue. But the power of virtual summits is so much bigger than that.

When most people think of virtual summits, they think email list growth and some added revenue. But the power of virtual summits is so much bigger than that.

This week, I’m so excited to introduce you to Shelby Devore, an experienced summit host, who has seen the results of her summits grow far beyond her wildest dreams, getting bigger and better with every summit she hosts. She went...

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B2C Virtual Summits: Behind the Scenes of the Biggest Party in the Crafting Industry with Abbi Kirsten

Snag a behind-the-scenes look at the wildly successful Cricut Craftfest Summit with Abbi Kirsten and what played the biggest role in the success of this event.

One thing that always surprises me is the assumption people often have that summits teaching people how to make money are the most successful. In my experience, while B2B summits can bring in incredible results, we tend to see higher numbers with B2C events.

Some of the most successful summits we’ve seen have been in the B2C industries, including my guest on the podcast this week. Not...

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Use a Lead List to Boost Virtual Summit Registrations and Sales in the DMs with Victoria Boyd

Victoria Boyd shares how she created a lead list and used Instagram DMs to build buzz, increase registrations, boost sales, and connect with her attendees.

Ready to go beyond the basics when it comes to summit promotion? I’ve shared strategies for promoting virtual summits on the podcast many times before, and this week I’ve got a more advanced strategy to share with you that can take your summit promotion to a whole new level.

I’m so excited to have my client in the Launch with a Summit Accelerator, Victoria Boyd on the...

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The 3-Part Chatbot Marketing Strategy for Virtual Summits with Nadine Anderson

Join Nadine Anderson and I as we talk through her 3-part chatbot marketing strategy for virtual summits, how to not be spammy, and other ways to use bots!

With every new marketing strategy, there’s a window of opportunity to start early and see the best results before it becomes an industry wide practice. This was true about webinars, email marketing, Facebook ads, and even websites at one point!

My guest on the podcast today is here to share about a new emerging strategy that I’ve been super curious about and had the chance to test...

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From Virtual Summit Skeptic to Crushing Every Single Goal with Dominique Falla

Despite Dominique's uncertainty around her summit's potential, she stayed the course, followed our summit-hosting system, and crushed every single goal she set.

Not convinced that a virtual summit will work for your business? My guest on the podcast this week wasn’t either when she decided to host her first summit.

After hosting several popular (but not exactly the most profitable) in-person conferences, she was skeptical that hosting a summit would pay off or work for her audience. She went in with low expectations, and even a little...

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B2C Virtual Summits: A Values-Driven Summit for a Budget-Conscious Audience with Bryson Tarbet

My guest this week worked through questions around how his audience would receive a virtual summit and hosted a values-driven event that made a lasting impact.

No matter what audience your business serves, you've probably run into questions around whether or not a summit is a good idea or would work for your specific niche.

Will they like what I created? Will they be mad that I'm trying to make money while I help them? Will they buy my all-access pass?

For more budget-conscious audiences, these questions can be enough to make you wonder whether a...

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Build On Your Speaker Relationships After a Virtual Summit without Burning Out with Amelia Roberts

Hosting a virtual summit is a powerful way to connect with peers. Learn how to build on those relationships in an organized way that won't zap all your energy.

Hosting a virtual summit is a powerful way to connect with peers that can lead to powerful collaborations, opportunities, and friendships down the road.

The connections you make with other business owners can be incredibly powerful and benefit your business in so many ways. Collaborating with 20+ experts in your industry by hosting a summit is an incredible way to quickly grow your network,...

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Overwhelm is Optional: Resilient Time Management to Launch Your Virtual Summit with Stacy Brookman

It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when planning your virtual summit. But it doesn't have to be that way. Listen in for Stacy's secrets to avoid overwhelm.

Hosting a virtual summit is a big project that takes a good amount of time and attention. Especially when hosting your first summit, it's not uncommon to end up feeling overwhelmed as you go through a brand new experience and do something you haven't done before.

But overwhelm doesn't have to be part of the summit planning process. Today, I have a special guest, Stacy Brookman, who...

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How Laurie Doubled the Size of Her Membership with a Virtual Summit with Laurie Acker

Virtual summits are a powerful addition to any online business. For Laurie, summits are also the foundation of her business with quarterly one-day events.

Virtual summits are a powerful addition to any online business. Not just as a one-time event, but as a bigger piece of your overall business strategy. Many of our most successful clients host 1-2 summits per year as their main lead generator and visibility strategy. But this week, you'll hear from our client Laurie Acker, who has made summits the foundation of her entire business. 


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How a Sponsor Added $60k in High-Ticket Sales Using MY Virtual Summit with Shannon Mattern

My summit's presenting sponsor talks about how we launched her high-ticket program after my summit, results she saw, and how they compared to her other launches.

We’ve been talking more and more about using a virtual summit to launch a course, membership, or high-ticket group program lately. People tend to take my word for it that this strategy works for a course or membership, but I do get questions about it working for higher-priced programs. People are skeptical that a free event can really work to sell a high-ticket program. They wonder...

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